SBA 8(a) Sole-Source
Digital Consultants qualifies for agency-awarded 8(a) sole-source opportunities as allowed by federal law. These contracts provide a streamlined system which significantly expedites the proposal acquisition process for both offerors and bidders. 8(a) sole-source contracts can include awards up to $6.5 million for manufacturing NAICS codes and $4.0 million for all other NAICS codes.

Digital Consultants is a Prime contract holder of the General Service Administration (GSA) 8(a) Streamlined Technology Acquisition Resource for Services III (STARS III) Government Wide Acquisition Contract (GWAC). Offered exclusively to certified 8(a) prime contractors, this contract is a multi-award, Indefinite Delivery / Indefinite Quantity (IDIQ) contract to provide information technology (IT) services and IT service-based solutions across multiple task orders. With a ceiling of $50,000,000,000, GSA STARS III is one of the largest GWACs offered to 8(a) small businesses. Work under this contract will occur over a 5 year base period with three additional option years, and will cover a wide range of IT-focused functional areas, including Custom Computer Programming Services, Computer Systems Design Services, Computer Facilities Management Services, Other Computer Related Services, Data Processing, Hosting, And Related Services, Emerging Technology-focused IT Services. Our award also qualifies us to perform under the Emerging Technology-Focused IT Services scope sub-area, which encompasses IT services-based solutions which involve emerging technology innovation to securely accelerate transformation and advance mission outcomes.
- Access to exceptionally qualified 8(a) small business industry partners.
- Directed task orders up to $4.5M, under the competitive threshold per FAR 19.804-6. The rationale at FAR 19.804-2(a)10, (i) or (ii), is germane to directed orders. While some sole source is flagged as “high risk,” that is not the case with 8(a) directed orders.
- Contract types include: Fixed-Price Family (FAR 16.2), Time & Materials (FAR 16.6), Labor-Hour (FAR 16.6), Hybrid blends, and Incentives (FAR 16.4).
- Permits other direct costs to include ancillary services and/or equipment that the Government determines to be integral and necessary to the IT services-based solution.
Contract Information
Contract Number: 47QTCB21D0337
Period of Performance: Contract Ordering Period 02 July 2021 to 01 July 2026 with one three-year option. On awarded task orders, performance can go 5 years beyond Contract Ordering Period End date.
DUNS: 80-440-4114
CAGE Code: 5GQV3
For detailed information on how Digital Consultants can meet your needs using this contract, please contact:
William A. Davis
Senior Vice President and 8(a) STARS III Program Manager
Office: 571-306-3444
Email: [email protected]
GSA Contacts
For more information about how the 8(a) STARS III GWAC can help your agency with information technology requirements, contact GSA at: e-mail [email protected], or visit

GSA Multiple Award Schedule
Digital Consultant’s General Services Administration (GSA) Federal Supply Schedule (FSS) offers government agencies a streamlined way to procure a wide range of effective solutions to meet increasingly complex technology challenges. Our Multiple Award Schedule gives quick and easy access to Digital Consultants’ expert advice and technology solutions, including a wide range of IT Professional Services.
- Special Item Numbers (SIN): 54151S – Information Technology Professional Services and OLM 500 – Order Level Materials
- Contract Number: GSA Schedule #: GS-35F-678GA
- Contract Period of Performance: September 15, 2017 – September 14, 2022

Under the SeaPort-Next Generation (SeaPort-NxG) contract, Digital Consultants can provide professional engineering, technical, and programmatic support services for the Naval Sea Systems Command, Space and Naval Warfare Systems Command, Naval Supply Systems Command, Military Sealift Command, Naval Facilities Command, Office of Naval Research, or the United States Marine Corps. Task orders issued under this contract may provide services that potentially span the entire spectrum of mission areas and technical capabilities supported by the Department of the Navy (DON) ordering activities.

FAA eFast
Digital Consultants is a prime contract holder on the Electronic Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Accelerated and Simplified Tasks (eFAST) Master Ordering Agreement (MOA) contract. This MOA is exclusively offered to small and disadvantaged businesses and serves as the FAA’s primary contracting vehicle when offering small business set-aside contracts. Tasks orders released on this contract encompass a wide variety of functional areas, including air transportation support, business administration & management, research & development, engineering services, computer/information systems development, computer systems support, documentation & training, maintenance & repair. Digital Consultants supports the following contract functional areas:
- Air Transportation Support
- Business Administration & Management
- Engineering Services
- Computer/Information Systems Development
- Computer Systems Support
- Documentation & Training


Naval Information Warfare Center Atlantic 8(a) Incubator IDIQ
On this multi-award IDIQ contract, Digital Consultants as a prime contractor provides NIWC Atlantic support for a broad range of equipment and services associated with full system lifecycle support including research, development, test, evaluation, production and fielding of sustainable, secure, survivable, and interoperable Command, Control, Communications, Computers, Combat Systems, Intelligence, Surveillance, Reconnaissance (C5ISR), Information Operations, Enterprise Information Services (EIS) and Space capabilities. Program Management, Financial Management, and Department of Defense (DoD) Acquisition Life Cycle expertise and experience is also required. Task Orders under this acquisition include design, development, integration, systems engineering support, architecture development support, enterprise analysis, modeling, simulation, human systems integration, testing and evaluation, installation checkout support, prototyping, production, model-making, fabrication, in-service engineering, information assurance support, integrated logistics support, safety engineering support, training support, configuration management, and quality assurance support. Task orders can be Cost Plus Fixed Fee or Firm Fixed Price.

Digital Consultants is a proud member of the OCCAM SOLUTIONS DIA E-SITE Team. E-SITE spans across, hardware, software, services, support, networks, and communications and covers, system design, development, fielding, and sustainment of global intelligence and command and control assets vital to the security of the United States.

OASIS Small Business
Digital Consultants is a proud member of the Loch Harbour Group One Acquisition Solution for Integrated Services – Small Business (OASIS-SB) Team. OASIS-SB is designed to address agencies’ need for a full range of service requirements that integrate multiple professional service disciplines and ancillary services/products with the flexibility for all contract types and pricing at the task order level.