“The dawn of your future begins at the twilight of your doings”
At Digital Consultants, we believe our company is more than just a job, we are family. As a family, we live the ethos that every human being is of equal value and as such we sponsor multiple world mission trips and humanitarian projects. Our staff and partners are critical in achieving our vision of a world where every person has the opportunity to live a healthy, productive life. In Cambodia, we sponsor many individual orphans and multiple humanitarian projects at the orphanages themselves (construction, well drilling, educational materials, transportation, clothing, etc.) to demonstrate that the path out of poverty begins when the next generation can access wholesome food, clean water and a great education. Its been our privilege and honor over the last five years to be a small part of the growth and maturity of these wonderful children on the other side of the world.

Supporting Students
Digital Consultants continues to support disadvantaged and impoverished children living in Cambodia. For 2023, in addition to our normal sponsorships for Orphans in need, we have decided to sponsor three students with tuition to continue their education in their chosen fields.

Suos Bopha – studying International Relations

Seng Liya – studying Public Administration

Thoeun Chana – studying English
Supporting Refugees
Digital Consultants commitment to supporting those in need is reflected in the actions of our employees inside and outside of the workplace. Our President and COO, Stephan Picard, personally hosted a young Ukrainian couple in his home who sought international refuge after Russian military forces occupied their hometown in Ukraine. To learn more about Stephan’s experience hosting the Kolpakidis, follow the link below to the article published about them in the Fredericksburg Free Lance Star.